
The Retail Landscape is Changing…don’t be left behind

The challenges facing Retail businesses are well documented.  Prior to the pandemic the landscape was challenging -the cost of stock was increasing and on the high street footfall was declining year on year.  Many large retailers have folded in the last year leaving high street vacancy rates at an all time high. There are three main reasons for the demise of some of the big retailers.

  1. They lost sight of their core consumer and didn’t keep up with their changing needs.
  2. They didn’t offer a clear unique selling proposition and became too similar to their competitors.
  3. Their store estates were too big and they weren’t quick enought to respond to the rapid growth of the internet.

As we navigate through the pandemic Retail has been the hardest hit sector with lockdown meaning many businesses had to close. I believe now is the time for SME retail and wholesale businesses to fill the gap left by some of those big brand names. By offering differentiated product and offering exceptional service they can truly thrive.

Minimise Low Demand, Costs and Pressure

Are you a busy Independent retailer? Are there times when your shop or website struggles to attract enough customers? Are your costs going through the roof and you are struggling to maintain supply of some of your best sellers? Do you just have too much to do and need some help to manage some of the heavy lifting? Is social media baffling or you just don’t have the time to devote to it? If the answer to any of these questions is YES then please read on or better still get in touch.

Maximise Profit, Footfall and Time

I am sure like all small business owners the thought of increasing your profitability is appealing. As a retailing specialist I have worked with a vast array of retailers from many sectors. These include fashion & accessories, food and drink, homeware, pet supplies, gifts and the energy sector. All sectors are facing the same challenges and my job is to ensure your business has everything in place to succeed. Many big retail chains have left our high streets over the last couple of years and the time is now for the Independent Retailer to have the opportunity to shine.

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